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One Piece: Anime Review

Exotic food, magnificent temples, orthodox religions and diverse cultures are some of the things that define Asia. But those are mostly textbook descriptions, for in this present time, Asia is gaining more prominence with pop music, fashion trends, television dramas, and of course, Anime! What is Asia without these greater-than-life animated series?


Animes originated from Japan. They are animated productions featuring computer or hand-drawn animation. Many of which are based on Japanese manga or serialized comic books and graphic novels. Tons of animes had already been produced and distributed not only in Asian countries but all over the world.  Some only last for a couple of seasons while others span years of viewership. Some are pseudo-realist while others are purely based on the out-of-this-world imagination of the creators. As for me, I have several favorite, but among these peeves, one that I got so addicted with is ONE PIECE.

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